About Us The Aircraft
The Nemesis began as a dream in a garage.
It came to life as a few individuals dared to believe in that dream. It has succeeded because the team continues to believe that the quest is more important than results, that continuing to raise the bar in aviation is vital to its growth, and that racing must always demonstrate what can be done, not what has been done.
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Team Nemesis is so excited to announce the opening of Nation of Speed Exhibit in 2022 in the National Air and Space Museum on the Mall in Washington DC. (Ok, so we are a bit late in sharing this. We thought we were retired…ha!) This exhibit is extraordinary and features iconic vehicles from Mario Andretti’s Indy 500 winning race car to the Sharp DR 90 Nemesis.

The cool thing is the first vehicle you see is the Nemesis as you enter the Nation of Speed Exhibit! Jon Sharp designed, built with Team Nemesis and raced this successful race plane in 1991 through 1999. During those years it won 9 Reno Air Racing Gold National Championships, broke speed records on every course it raced thus winning a total of 47 or its 50 races and earning 16 World Speed Records. It is one special and successful plane!

The idea behind this incredible Nation of Speed Exhibit is share the human ingenuity that shaped the American’s desire to go as fast as they can on land, sea, air and space.

For more information on the Exhibit click on the link below.

Spirit of Innovation 10-02-2021
Team Nemesis is so proud to announce that Rolls-Royce and Project Accel, a joint Rolls-Royce Electroflight team, have chosen one of our kits, an NXT, as their vehicle of choice to create the “World’s Fastest Electric Plane”. To date they have flown two successful flights, with obviously, many more on the horizon!

The chosen name of their plane by Rolls-Royce is the “Spirit of Innovation”, a very appropriate label for an all electric NXT. With the extremely aerodynamic airframe and the talented team surrounding Rolls-Royce, they are sure to succeed in breaking numerous new electric speed records with this powerhouse of a plane.

Please click on the More Info icon to be directed to another press release about the Spirit of Inovation.
The Dream Came True 07-17-2018
Nemesis Air Racing motto is Chase the Dream Not the Competition. It was the driving force, the single focus, and the underlying factor that brought the team together.

Well, the Dream did come true!

Team Nemesis is proud to announce that the NemesisNXT has been retired to the National Air and Space Museum (NASM), the Udvar F Hazy Center and is currently sitting next to Nemesis. Nemesis was the first plane that Jon Sharp designed, built and raced. After it was retired, Sharp once again designed, built and raced the NemesisNXT.

The success of the two planes would not have happened without the incredibly talented Team that worked endlessly on on both planes. They are the reason for the remarkable success of both the Nemesis and NemesisNXT. Of course, all the sponsors were an important part of the Teams success; Lycoming Engines, Hartzell Propellers,Red Line Oil, Grove Aircraft, Aircraft Studio Design, Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, Aircraft Spruce ,and Tri-Tech Machines (just to mention a few).
Spirit of Flight Award 07-17-2018
The Society of Experimental Test Pilots (SETP) has selected Jon Sharp for the Spirit of Flight Award for 2018. This year this award is sponsored by Scaled Composites of Mojave, CA and is presented to an EAA (Experiment Aircraft Association) member who best exemplifies the spirit of research, development or flight test.

SETP is an international organization that began in 1955 and now has well over 2000 members. The organization seeks to promote air safety, sound aeronautical design and development. In addition the association assists in the professional development of experimental pilots and provides scholarships and aid to members and families of deceased members.

EAA is planning an award ceremony at the Oshkosh fly-in on Thursday, July 26th, 2018 at 6 pm at the Homebuilders Dinner in the Nature Center Pavilion.
Louis Bleriot Medal 11-17-2016
Jon Sharp and Team Nemesis has just been notified that they will be receiving the Louis Bleriot Medal at the National Aeronautics Association Fall Ceremonies on Dec. 8th in Arlington, VA. This medal is an aviation honor awarded by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI), the International Aviation Record adjudicating body. The medal may be awarded up to three times a year to record setters in speed, altitude and distance categories in light aircraft, but in some instances it is not awarded at all or to only one aviator.

This will be the fifth Bleriot Medal that has been bestowed on Jon Sharp and Team Nemesis, a new record in the record books. No other pilot has received five Bleriot Medals in the history of this medal, which began in 1936 in honor of Louis Bleriot. In 1909, Mr. Bleriot became world famous for the first flight across the English Channel and, in addition, was the first to make a working powered, piloted monoplane.

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